Submission #1894499

Source Code Expand

(* let read_from = Scanf.Scanning.open_in "test4.txt" *)
let read_from = Scanf.Scanning.stdin

let tbl_of_line tbl h w_max =
  let rec iter n =
    if n <= w_max then let () = Scanf.bscanf read_from "%d " (fun x -> Hashtbl.add tbl (h,n) x) in iter (n + 1)
    else () in iter 1

let (--) m n =
  let rec iter i res =
    if i >= m then iter (i - 1) (i::res)
    else res in
  iter n []

let range m n =
  let rec iter i res =
  if n >= i then iter (i + 1) (i::res)
  else res in iter m []

let pr x = print_endline (string_of_int x)

let pr2 x y = print_endline ((string_of_int x) ^ " " ^ (string_of_int y))

let tbl_of_stdin tbl h_max w_max =
  let rec iter n =
    if n <= h_max then
    let () = tbl_of_line tbl n w_max in iter (n+1)
    else () in iter 1

let exc_of_opt = function
  | Some x -> x
  | None -> failwith "error"

let h,w = Scanf.bscanf read_from "%d %d\n" (fun x y -> (x,y))

let garden = Hashtbl.create ((h+1) * (w+1))

let () = tbl_of_stdin garden h w

let b ij = Hashtbl.find garden ij

let arbitary_neg = Hashtbl.fold (fun _ v res -> if v >= 0 then false
                                                else res) garden true

let arbitary_pos = Hashtbl.fold (fun _ v res -> if v <= 0 then false
                                                else res) garden true

let negative_case () = 
  match Hashtbl.fold
          (fun p v -> function
            | Some (_,res) as x -> if v < res then x else Some (p,v)
            | None -> Some (p,v)) garden None with
  | None -> failwith "negative_case"
  | Some (p,max1) -> 
     match Hashtbl.fold
             (fun q v -> function
               | Some res as x -> if p = q then x else Some (max v res)
               | None -> Some v) garden None with
     | None -> failwith "negative_case"
     | Some max2 -> max1 + max2

let fixed_search b j w =
  let tbl = Hashtbl.create (w+2) in
  let _ = List.fold_left (fun res i ->
              let tmp = (b (j,i)) + res in
              let () = Hashtbl.add tbl i tmp in tmp) 0 (range 1 w) in
  let () = Hashtbl.add tbl (w+1) 0 in
  let () = Hashtbl.add tbl 0 0 in
  let sum_i i = Hashtbl.find tbl i in
  match List.fold_left
          (fun x' len ->
            match x',
                     (fun x i ->
                       let tmp = (sum_i (i-len)) - (sum_i (i+1)) in
                       match x with
                       | Some (s,p) -> if s < tmp
                                       then Some (tmp,(i,len))
                                       else x
                       | None -> Some (tmp,(i,len))) None (range (1 + len) w))
            | Some (s',p'),Some (s,p) ->
               if s > s' then Some (s,p)
               else Some (s',p')
            | None,x -> x
            | x,None -> x) None (range 0 (w - 1))
  | Some (s,(i,len)) -> ((i-len),i)
  | None -> failwith "fixed_search"

let slice_horz i w = fixed_search b i w

let slice_vert j h =
  let trnp (i,j) = b (j,i) in
  fixed_search trnp j h

let search_vert h w = (fun x -> slice_horz x w) (range 1 h)

let search_horz h w = (fun x -> slice_vert x h) (range 1 w)

let calc_area h w =
  let zero_pad area =
    let rec iter j =
      if j <= w then
        let () = Hashtbl.add area (0,j) 0 in iter (j + 1)
      else () in
    let rec iter' i =
      if i <= h then
        let () = Hashtbl.add area (i,0) 0 in iter' (i + 1)
      else () in
    let () = iter 0 in
    let () = iter' 0 in area in
  let area = zero_pad (Hashtbl.create ((h+1) * (w+1))) in
  let lines = zero_pad (Hashtbl.create ((h+1) * (w+1))) in
  let () = List.iter (fun i -> 
               let _ = List.fold_left (fun res j ->
                           let tmp = (b (i,j)) + res in
                           let () = Hashtbl.add lines (i,j) tmp in tmp) 0 (1--w) in ())
             (1--h) in
  let () = List.iter (fun j -> 
               let _ = List.fold_left (fun res i ->
                           let tmp = (Hashtbl.find lines (i,j)) + res in
                           let () = Hashtbl.add area (i,j) tmp in tmp) 0 (1--h) in ())
             (1--w) in
  let area = Hashtbl.find area in
  let area_of_rect ((i,j),(k,l)) =
    (area (k,l)) + (area ((i - 1),(j - 1)))
    - (area ((i - 1),l)) - (area (k,(j - 1))) in area_of_rect 
let area_of_rect = calc_area h w

let string_of_rect ((i,j),(k,l)) =
  (string_of_int i) ^ " " ^ (string_of_int j) ^ " " ^ (string_of_int k) ^ " " ^ (string_of_int l) ^ "\n"

module VSet = Set.Make (
                    type t = int * int
                    let compare = (fun (x,x') (y,y') ->
                        if compare x y = 0 then compare x' y'
                        else compare x y)

let remove_dup ls = VSet.fold (fun x ls -> x :: ls) (VSet.of_list ls) []

let merge f = List.fold_left (fun ls x -> (f x ls)) []

let merge_append f xs ls' = List.fold_left (fun ls x -> (f x ls)) ls' xs

let map2 f xs = merge (fun y -> merge_append (fun x ls -> (f x y) :: ls) xs)

let generate_rects h w =
  let cand_v = remove_dup (search_vert h w) in
  let cand_h = remove_dup (search_horz h w) in
  map2 (fun (i,k) (j,l) -> ((i,j),(k,l))) cand_h cand_v 

let rec area_of_pair ((i,j),(k,l)) ((i',j'),(k',l')) =
  if i' < i && j' < j then
    area_of_pair ((i',j'),(k',l')) ((i,j),(k,l)) 
  else if i' <= k && j' <= l then
    max ((area_of_rect ((i,j),(i'-1,j'-1))) + (area_of_rect ((i',j'),(k',l'))))
      ((area_of_rect ((i,j),(k,l))) + (area_of_rect ((k+1,l+1),(k',l'))))
  else (area_of_rect ((i,j),(k,l))) + (area_of_rect ((i',j'),(k',l')))

let comb2 ls = 
  let rec iter res = function
    | x :: xs -> iter (List.fold_left (fun ls y -> (x,y) :: ls) res xs) xs
    | [] -> res in iter [] ls

let positive_case h w =
  area_of_rect ((1,1),(h,w))

let () = if arbitary_neg then
           negative_case ()
           |> pr
         else if arbitary_pos then
           positive_case h w
           |> pr
           generate_rects h w
           |> comb2
           (* |> (fun (x,y) -> let () = print_string (string_of_rect x) in
            *                           let () = print_string (string_of_rect y) in
            *                           let () = pr (area_of_pair x y) in
            *                           let () = print_newline () in
            *                           (x,y)) *)
           |> (fun (x,y) -> area_of_pair x y)
           |> List.fold_left
                 | Some x -> fun y -> Some (max x y)
                 | None -> fun y -> Some y) None
           |> exc_of_opt
           |> pr

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task D - 庭園
User tzskp1
Language OCaml (4.02.3)
Score 0
Code Size 6823 Byte
Status WA
Exec Time 2663 ms
Memory 444272 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample Subtask1 All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 0 / 50 0 / 50
AC × 4
AC × 6
WA × 3
TLE × 6
AC × 13
WA × 3
TLE × 18
Set Name Test Cases
Sample sample0.txt, sample1.txt, sample2.txt, sample3.txt
Subtask1 subtask0_0.txt, subtask0_1.txt, subtask0_10.txt, subtask0_11.txt, subtask0_12.txt, subtask0_13.txt, subtask0_14.txt, subtask0_2.txt, subtask0_3.txt, subtask0_4.txt, subtask0_5.txt, subtask0_6.txt, subtask0_7.txt, subtask0_8.txt, subtask0_9.txt
All sample0.txt, sample1.txt, sample2.txt, sample3.txt, subtask0_0.txt, subtask0_1.txt, subtask0_10.txt, subtask0_11.txt, subtask0_12.txt, subtask0_13.txt, subtask0_14.txt, subtask0_2.txt, subtask0_3.txt, subtask0_4.txt, subtask0_5.txt, subtask0_6.txt, subtask0_7.txt, subtask0_8.txt, subtask0_9.txt, subtask1_0.txt, subtask1_1.txt, subtask1_10.txt, subtask1_11.txt, subtask1_12.txt, subtask1_13.txt, subtask1_14.txt, subtask1_2.txt, subtask1_3.txt, subtask1_4.txt, subtask1_5.txt, subtask1_6.txt, subtask1_7.txt, subtask1_8.txt, subtask1_9.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
sample0.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
sample1.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
sample2.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
sample3.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
subtask0_0.txt TLE 2661 ms 146424 KB
subtask0_1.txt WA 1711 ms 124792 KB
subtask0_10.txt TLE 2661 ms 169724 KB
subtask0_11.txt WA 2394 ms 134912 KB
subtask0_12.txt AC 3 ms 1792 KB
subtask0_13.txt TLE 2661 ms 143096 KB
subtask0_14.txt AC 2 ms 1664 KB
subtask0_2.txt AC 2 ms 1536 KB
subtask0_3.txt TLE 2661 ms 133496 KB
subtask0_4.txt AC 11 ms 4864 KB
subtask0_5.txt TLE 2663 ms 154488 KB
subtask0_6.txt WA 1883 ms 128632 KB
subtask0_7.txt AC 3 ms 1792 KB
subtask0_8.txt TLE 2660 ms 112380 KB
subtask0_9.txt AC 2 ms 2560 KB
subtask1_0.txt TLE 2662 ms 433904 KB
subtask1_1.txt TLE 2660 ms 370416 KB
subtask1_10.txt TLE 2662 ms 441908 KB
subtask1_11.txt TLE 2661 ms 378736 KB
subtask1_12.txt AC 86 ms 18176 KB
subtask1_13.txt TLE 2661 ms 355824 KB
subtask1_14.txt TLE 2661 ms 417524 KB
subtask1_2.txt AC 93 ms 18560 KB
subtask1_3.txt TLE 2662 ms 444272 KB
subtask1_4.txt TLE 2661 ms 419440 KB
subtask1_5.txt TLE 2661 ms 388720 KB
subtask1_6.txt TLE 2661 ms 403824 KB
subtask1_7.txt AC 87 ms 18176 KB
subtask1_8.txt TLE 2661 ms 344304 KB
subtask1_9.txt TLE 2661 ms 418928 KB